Birthday Party Ideas For Kids

Looking for a way to celebrate a child's birthday. With restrictions on gatherings lifting now is the perfect time to plan a celebration.

bubble balls

Party 01 / Party 01

I discovered bubble balls during Covid, it seemed like the socially responsible thing to do to give each kid a "bubble". For a soccer -loving kid you can incorporate bubble soccer games.

Bubble Balls

outdoor laser tag


flag football

party 03 / party 03

This is a great party idea for older boys and girls. We hired a local sports camp facilitator to keep the game organized and running smoothly.

flag Football

character/hero party

party 04 / party 04


party 05 / party 05

We've hired a magician to entertain kids age 6 and 7 and it was a big hit with this age group. The kids are entertained and the parents can relax!

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