April is here! One thing I have always noticed about April is the sheer number of birthdays — we have two in our family this month. Given the current circumstances our celebrations will have to be different this year. Amazon deliveries are delayed, we certainly can’t invite friends over or even plan a party for a future date because everything feels so uncertain. It’s going to take a lot more effort to make these celebrations feel special. I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking, researching, and polling girlfriends for ideas to create a party in place during quarantine. I have a feeling these celebrations will become the most memorable celebrations we’ve ever had because so much thought, effort, and creativity will go into the day.
“Looks Like Squirrel food.”
: : Yard Decor. // One of the easiest ways to draw attention to the birthday boy or girl is to decorate the outside of your home for their special day. Hang a banner that says “honk for the birthday boy,” decorate your yard with lawn ornaments, or ask friends to chalk the driveway with birthday greetings.
: : Set Up A Balloon Avalanche. // Hang streamers, balloons, or create a balloon avalanche so when the special person opens their bedroom door in the morning balloons cascade onto them. Directions for creating a balloon avalanche are here.
: : Create Your Own Parade. // Our neighborhood list serve has been blowing up with requests for neighbors to make signs for children’s birthdays. You can start this in your own neighborhood. You can also make your own birthday parade. Decorate your car (think window paint and balloons tied to the mirrors) and drive around town.
: : Netflix Party. // Invite friends to a Netflix Party. Netflix party synchronizes video playback and adds a group chat so you can interact with your friends just as if you had gathered together in the same room.
: : Backyard Movie Screening. // Hang a sheet on a wall or over a fence and borrow a movie projector from a friend. Don’t forget popcorn and the movie size candy.
: : Birthday Gift Hunt. // Create a birthday gift hunt with a series of clues that leads to a big gift.
: : Camping Trip In The Backyard. // Set up a tent in your backyard. Prepare and cook a foil dinner over a fire pit complete with s’mores for dessert. Play flashlight tag to burn off excess energy.
: : Slumber Party With The Family Inside. // If the weather doesn’t cooperate or if you don’t have a backyard, grab your sleeping bags and have a family slumber party in your living room.
: : Virtual Birthday Party. // Drop off cupcakes (contactless) and gather your friends on zoom/houseparty/google hangout for a virtual birthday party.
: : Recreate A Club or Casino. // Some creative and cool parents have created their own “nightclubs” within their homes to celebrate 21st birthdays. A progressive party with a food/drink theme in different rooms of your house could be fun for an adult.
: : Bake A Birthday Cake or Favorite Desserts From Scratch. // Bake a cake together or even create a buffet of your special someone’s favorite desserts.
: : For The Music Lover, Create A Birthday Soundtrack. // Remember mix tapes anyone? Anyone who has ever made one knows a lot of care and thought goes into the compilation. Ask friends to get in on it and contribute song ideas. Blast the music through your home all day.
: : Make A Birthday Video. // Have friends record birthday messages and compile them into a longer video for the birthday boy or girl.
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Love it! lots of great ideas!
I’m glad you found it helpful!