I exercise four or five days a week and I have for years. I don't run as much as I used to but I regularly do boot camp workouts for strength training, I get cardio from my Echelon rowing machine, and I play tennis. I've tried a lot of workout clothes and gear over the years. Today I'm sharing my . . .
Best Washington, DC Lifestyle Blogs
Lunch With A Girlfriend is a popular blogger for DC lifestyle blogs. The voice and founder behind it is Sapna Delacourt. With the aim of keeping everyone updated with fashion and lifestyle, she was influenced by her girlfriend to share her personal life experiences with everyone.
She has always been a diva and a consultant about lifestyle. Great choice of colors, cloth and handbags has made her popular amongst the various lifestyle tip seekers.
She documents the real image of the business of fashion, beauty, decor, and travel.
Inspiring the young generation with a unique and fresh idea about style, she has every tip for gifts to be given on different occasions.
Looking elegant and stunning is no more a task, you are provided with regular tips to keep up with the latest trend.
Are you looking to maintain extra and unique style in your statement?Subscribe today and get the best of distinctive tips. These tips won’t only are unique, but, will help in adding more fashion sense to your daily routine.
Look great with the best and out of the box style tips!
All About Microneedling
I've always been fascinated by skin care and aging. In 2021 there are a plethora of skincare products and procedures to keep your skin as youthful-looking as it can be. More important than any expensive creams or makeup that you can buy, investing in improving the quality of your skin with . . .
COVID Silver Lining: A Super Simple Makeup Ritual
I don't wear a lot of makeup. Who has time for that? Like many of you, I'm a busy mom with not a lot of extra time to spare in the morning before I head out the door. But I do like to do a little so I look more put together. Since we're wearing face coverings everyday eye makeup is all you need to . . .
7 Essential Pieces For Winter Dressing
Cold temperatures can make anyone not want to bother getting dressed. The hardest part of dressing for winter weather is figuring out an outfit combination that looks put together while still keeping you bundled up and warm enough to battle the elements. So here is my list of my essential items to . . .
Tips For Taking Charge Of Teen Skin
We deal with a lot of hormones in our house (aside from my own). I have two teens: my oldest child is 15 and my middle is 12. Over the last year we've been dealing with hormone-induced acne breakouts. We've been working hard to establish skin care regimens that I hope they will stick to through . . .
How To Shop For A Winter Dress Coat + Outfit Inspiration
I think I've been open about the fact that I'm not a huge fan of cold weather. And, yes, I grew up in Michigan so technically I should be used to it. But there's a reason why I don't live there anymore. As much as I try to embrace the cold, I just really don't care for it. I think that's why . . .