I don’t know about you, but the first thing I wanted to do when we arrived home from our Thanksgiving travel (after binging on cookies and m and m’s sent home by Grandma) was start a detox. After a week of eating out, traveling, and, oh, not to mention Thanksgiving — I was feeling pretty disgusting. The m and m’s weren’t helping either.
I wanted to do something to jumpstart my system and begin a new pattern of healthy eating. I knew a detox was in order. Unfortunately, every detox drink I’ve tried has been kind of disgusting. Then I remembered that my girlfriend in Connecticut had posted a recipe for a detox drink on Facebook over the summer. I planned to try it then but never got around to it. Trusting her judgment, I scoured her Facebook page until I found what I was looking for: a Lemon and olive oil detox. While it sounds awful, I have to tell you — it’s pretty fabulous and just what I needed after last week.
I like how it tastes so much I make it everyday. I actually find myself craving it. It’s really quick and simple to make too. You probably already have all the ingredients in your kitchen right now. I think the vanilla is an essential ingredient and adds a touch of creaminess to the drink.
Lemon and Olive Oil Detox Drink*
*This recipe was borrowed from Paleo Secret on You Tube.
- a lemon
- 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 4 cups filtered water
- optional: vanilla extract and/or a small piece of ginger root
- mesh strainer
Scrub a lemon under running water and pat it dry (do a good job with this because you are about to consume the whole lemon including the rind). Cut the lemon into quarters and place them into your Vitamix or blender cup. Add the olive oil and filtered water into your blender cup. I like to add a splash of natural vanilla extract to the mixture to reduce the tartness of the drink. I haven’t tried it with ginger yet but that is another option. Blend the mixture until it takes on a milky consistency. Place a mesh strainer over your drink cup and pour the mixture through. Discard the seeds and pulp that remain in the strainer. You can opt to refrigerate your drink or enjoy it right away.
I didn’t know much about the detoxification benefits of lemon and olive oil but after a little quick research I learned that lemon juice, more than any other food, allows our metabolic organ, the liver, to make more enzymes to protect against environmental toxins and process metabolic waste. Extra virgin olive oil is also an antioxidant that protects against toxins that stress and damage the liver. The combination of both gives a boost to our liver function, flushes out the bad stuff, and helps the liver do its job metabolizing the food we eat.
I’m going to do my best to stay on track through this month despite all of the upcoming holiday parties and cookie exchanges. I’m all for anything that will help me feel better after indulging though so this might just become a staple in my diet for the entire month.
Cheers to the first detox drink I’ve found that I can actually stomach. Try it out — I think you might like this one. Leave a comment below if you can recommend other tasty detox alternatives. Tasty being the key element of that sentence.
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Photography by Anna Meyer
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I tried this today and it was really good! Thanks foR passing this along, as i was just thinking i needed a detox after thanksgiving. I do have a quick question…can this be Used as a meal replacement?
I’m glad you liked it! This isn’t designed as a meal replacement — you should eat normally and (hopefully) healthy. Hope this helps you reenergize after the holiday!