Girlfriends, I think we can all agree that the last couple of years have been all about eyelashes and eyebrows. More on eyebrows later. For now, let’s talk about the secret to growing full, luscious, long, and REAL eyelashes.
I’m not sure why, but as I’ve gotten older my eyelashes have become shorter and more sparse. I didn’t even notice that they had changed until the fake eyelash thing became really big. I had been thinking of trying out mink eyelashes until I heard some girlfriends complain about the maintenance, not to mention the cost, of said fake lashes. The deal breaker for me is when I heard that falsies can wreak havoc on your natural lashes. While mine certainly weren’t what they used to be, I definitely did not want to lose what I had.
I had heard of Lash Boost by Rodan and Fields but hadn’t given it any serious thought until I learned that the product could also help me grow in my eyebrows. A two-fer. I was sold. I bought the product and began applying Lash Boost to my lash line nightly as instructed.
The application is simple: just pull the wand out of the tube being careful to dab off any excess product. Then brush the wand along your upper lash line of both eyes nightl.. Don’t even bother with the lower lash line because the product will drip down into the lower lashes while you sleep. It took about 2.5 weeks of regular applications but then I noticed a dramatic change. My formerly stubby and skimpy eyelashes had grown fuller and longer — literally overnight. While I had only been applying the product to my upper lashes, my lower lashes had also grown incredibly long. It truly is a miracle product. Once you stop using it, your lashes go back to normal. I might just be a lifer.
I have only rave reviews for the product. I’ve experienced no eye irritation or any other negative reactions. Some of my girlfriends with blue and light color eyes have been hesitant to try lash serums because they have heard it could change their eye color. That is not the case with Lash Boost. It is safe to use for all eye colors.
A teeny weeny bottle of Lash Boost is about $150 but could be less if you become a Rodan and Fields preferred customer.. While that may seem steep, compared to the cost of false eyelashes, which I’d been quoted at $175 for the initial application and a minimum of $125 for fill-in appointments (required every 2-3 weeks) the cost of Lash Boost seems downright reasonable. I can make the tube last about three months.
Welcome back to teenager-like lashes, my friends.
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